All young whites are juggalos and juggalettes and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of kicking past Faygo bottles at MAX stations and I'm tired of black and white makeup kits catching in gutters. I don't understand this whole fascination with the Detroit Mecca. Detriot.
I don't understand the white people of today. White culture is so loud and obscene. I heard about the bullshit evangelizing of Violent J, but his name underscores a larger obbjective violence done to the faiths of his listeners. He is, they are ignorance and misappropriation. I read about a group of wild and rangy juggalos that attacked a group of journalists and teachers. Evangelism, Violent J? Your evangelism brought this.
I can piece together the puzzle and the politically correct media won't say it, but all of these kids were juggalos. The music is their destruction. Blither and bluster and stupid, stupid stupid. No time for it. Who to blame but ICP for this and similar assaults? I want these men to be punished for inciting these crimes, but I can't expect the parents to make a move. They were as easily incited as their children by the Black Flags and the Nirvanas and whatever. And their grandparents with the riot-induction of Gene Krupa, David Brubeck, Stan Getz.
Every generation faces a moment of clarity where we can see the culprits and it is up to the strength and intelligence (not verbosity and wayward desires) of the society to pare down the overgrown culprit trees.
We must not let this stand.
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