Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Something that won't be witty in a couple days

I made a trip to an advising office with some modest entrance that could have hidden some dank speakeasy or a some jumping point lookout,
but instead hid tired, cramped academics.

My academic adviser is an unapologetic cynic. She worked for World Bank instead of the Peace Corps after getting either her Master's or her Doctorate, or maybe something else. She has degrees like vices, many. I took one of her classes last term and didn't know anything about most things and by the end of the class, I had it all figured out.
At least how to tell my temporal history from my opinions.

She made it clear that my undergraduate degree didn't matter.
"As long as you have a high academic rank, just do what you want, Joel."
I need high marks to get into grad school.
I needed high marks to get into college (I couldn't do it on looks alone).

"75% of jobs don't ask to see your transcript."

Good news.
Good news to share!

She's publishing an academic book about cybernetics and memory while writing a second one.
I told her I was writing a book of fiction and she said,
"Great, hopefully someone will read it," sardonically.

I laughed and grew nervous as the day went on.
"I hope, too," I laughed.

I don't want to be forgotten while I'm alive,
mostly by myself.

1 comment:

Eric 'n Leah said...

thanks for your phone message Joel. It brought a smile to my day! moffat