Saturday, September 18, 2010

It sucks to have to pick and choose. You miss out on so much.

That quote doesn't mean anything. I typed in a text message about food. I like to be enigmatic, but not too enigmatic.

So time flies when
Cliche, right?

But it has flown. My hair is eight inches on top. Most people on the street don't respond to my smiles anymore; they assume I use drugs, which is true, but is unfair of them to assume.
Classes are better, I'm smarter. I'm less patient. I think I'm a better person, but I'm struggling with that. Who knows?

I mostly struggle with my predisposition for predestination. I inactively focus on what I'm supposed to be experiencing, while fighting against that impulse with solipsist nihilism.

For instance:

"It's a beautiful night, the people are wonderful. I think I want a hot dog. I would like to make something of my life. Good thought, I wonder what lesson I can take from leaving Scott's apartment early. Probably one to do with temperance.

No, Joel. Stop it. You're doing that Calvinist thing again when you think there is a lesson in every moment. It's not that life might not be important, it's that life is not important right now.
Stop it. Stop it. I do want a hot dog."

Plenty of silly things have happened that I should have chronicled, but I have neglected my ego. One time, I was moving stuff from a storage apartment, but it was too carry to heavy, so I put all of the clothes on and walked the rest of the mile with ease, asking pedestrians if they knew about the storm.

I do a lot of stuff like that. I'm unappreciated and that's probably for the best.

You know what the best part of being Youth is? I can purposefully make decisions I know are poor and chalk it up to my age. Immediate acceptance of terrible actions.
"We were all kids once," I'll nudge my ashamed children, "right?"

I went to see the Blue Scholars at the Bowery Ballroom and it was a great show. The highlight was when the MC, Geo, and security shoved his way into the front before he started. I was in the front next to him. I knew it was him so I said, "I can tell you're in the band because of how you look, but who the fuck is the guy on stage?"

"He's low-key and shit." Then he laughed.

I liked Blue Scholars more than I liked Public Enemy.
I hope both parties read this post.
A boy can dream.

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