Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fleeting, like an escaped balloon

So I'm listening to Vitamin C's Good Riddance or First Day of My Life, or whatever.
Vitamin C's Graduation.

It's been a strange day. It's been a set of days that fall into each other.

Today was marked by the balloons in the sky, or UFO,
Technically UFOs, but they looked like balloons. A policeman friend of Cansino, the best the security guard I know, said it was forty balloons. Fear not citizen!

What's the deal with covert ops while I'm in school? Seriously, nine months out of three years and they have to happen while I'm at work (in reference to the bomb in Times Square; I'd link my previous post, but whatever) and this one! This diabolical weatherman scheme! This was happening in Chelsea!

I thought Chelsea was a secret.

I went to a vigil today. I'm an Ally. I announced it, proud of it.

Have you ever wronged someone badly once and continued to wrong them, without trying? Even while trying to do the right thing?
Ever wonder if sometimes you are the perpetual antagonist to someone's perpetual victimization?

I do. I think about it every day.

There's a girl that looks like Aurora at Lang. I don't know what to say, or if I should say anything at all, but I have a keen urge to tell her not to apply for a job at Office Max because
"They'll fire when you get pregnant with Natalie,"

but she probably wouldn't understand.

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