Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Writing on the Wall

One of my favorite parts of the New School, I'm talking top two, is the graffiti.
There are some real idealists at my college and they mostly want to be read, not heard. They want to leave their print in an ever-expanding city where they feel like only the wall will be willing to be marked, impressed with their very personal opinion.

"Fuck you, you bunch of faggots"
and so forth.

That's really most of the graffiti, that and rebuttals.
"You homophobic piece of shit... Why are you at The New School?"

It's called Trolling. It's baiting and it is common. That you fight back means you've lost. Don't take scribbles seriously, man.

But that's not the focus of this post. The focus is the aficionados and absurd, the non sequitur humor sometimes in response to the rest of the hate-baiting mess.

I like,
and in response,

"ODB was the best rapper of the Wu Tang Clan"

In fact, if we are measuring popularity just by graffiti, Ol' Dirty Bastard, the deceased rapper, has a significant New School following. Some people are willing to fight to the death in his honor.

I have two other favorites. I go out of my way to read the writing on the walls of these bathrooms.

1.) To the conversation referenced at the beginning of the post, there is one separate thought, hanging over the rest of the nonsense:
"There's always money in the banana stand."

And that's it.

I'm glad someone thought that a Arrested Development reference was applicable. So glad.

2 and new.) The original quote was
"Life is Dead" to which someone with a large scrawl responded, "Cultivate DICKS".

I believe the response was a reference to Voltaire's Candide, as in Cultivate your Garden, but the person omitted the necessary comma between the two words of his counter so naturally someone else drew a large phallus being watered to the side.

The best part is that someone else in blue crayola marker decided to fix the first statement to say, "Life is BRead", rendering the comeback and the illustration meaningless.

I think I'm going to go to work now and see how many of the anonymous will fight me.
"ODB can't be the best MC, he's not even alive."


Taylor said...

Easily your best blog post of the decade.

Christopher said...

I actually agreed with taylor until I read the end where you decided to start trashing ODB.