Thursday, February 18, 2010

Some thing is off

I felt odd all day. Like when you wake up before an alarm and know that you shouldn't have.

No, body. You are wrong. Go back to sleep.

I was angry in class.
I made negative, critical comments about white culture and the upper class.
Oh, wait, I'm at Lang where upper class and white is the norm.
That makes me want to swear,
but I have family subscribers.

Here's to you, Hayes!
Hannah's and your pictures are up on my wall.

Well, as it turned out, something was afoot. Not everyone is well.
Bomb threats, not here, but not far
an airplane crash in Texas,
a couple falls and Kaiser is ignorant.

Law is blind.
Justice is blind.
Order is blind, or blurred, I guess.

It all came falling today.
I was doing well, but it all came today.
Packaged by Amazon.
I didn't order this book. Did I?

I don't think I honestly ordered The Temper of Our Time by Eric Hoffer. I don't know why it arrived.

I hope you're alright. I hope you're fearless.

But things are not obscured.
Mercury is no longer retrograde,
so shut it Bloc Party.

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