Monday, October 26, 2009

¡Lo encontré! (Suddenly I see)

I saw some ugly people on the street today. I thought they were both attractive, but I realized I was looking between them. See, one of them had a jagged, squat face and the other had a overly long face, just shy of horse. I thought, maybe if they had children, the problem would be solved,
but no, of course not. The baby would get features of both sides in all the wrong places.

So, I smile at ugly people, I mean I smile at attractive people, too, but I make sure to smile at ugly people, and I usually receive coy grin in return. Perfect!
Or sometimes, probably, they were thinking, "I'm going to smile at this ugly young man walking towards me. He deserves it." I think I'm the originator when the ugly people already had me marked.

We're all ugly, aren't we?

On the related note, I like to pick up on one or two pieces of minutia about someone's personality or features and make a nickname out of it. Peter, Max and I used the Irish setup, most often.
Look at the Mousey McMouserson or Loudy McHairysmith.
We tried to use the German arrangement, but Smellsy Von Bigarmsheim just lacked the rhythm.

The Village used to be cool. It has pockets of truth, of opportunity for any and every dream, but there are just too many people looking for what was, what could've been. I want everyone to smile back when I walk home.
I'll make an effort.


Max Glaspey said...

Screamy McDead, Douchebag McAsshole, and Tally McTallerton were some of my favorites.

Joel Arken said...

Singer McSmileyface is Alionka's. She asked.