Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pero tengo drogas, Señora...

Es un chiste. Nunca puedo tener drogas, Señora.

There are too many pretty faces in this city. I can't make my mark and sow my seeds with just one! That is like only eating one kind of chocolate, or marrying only one woman, for one's whole life.
Ridiculous, right?

I learned much about the Village this weekend.
The place is full of assumptions, most of them positive.
Por ejemplo:
- If one wears a suit, one must be an adult.
- If one has facial hair, one must be an adult (This is the same in England, I've learned).
- If one is walking, one must enjoy comedy (That's really just a lesson of comedy clubs in general, put forth strongest by Times Square).
- If one doesn't drink, then there must be something wrong.

And you can say anything to pretty much anyone and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not.
There are so many people in this city that it is unlikely that you will see them again unless they frequent your work or home. Facebook and a phone and a pad of paper can only do so much.

I should be researching and taking notes, but here I am, again, old friend.
Shouldn't we always be more productive than we are?

"NO! False assumption! You've spent too much time in the Village, thinking, Joel."

Well, I would say (hablaría), It's already tomorrow and the day is done, so we can just give up on giving up and work for the sun.

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